Vodavi Talkpath Voicemail

First access or enter your voice mailbox

  1. Dial 7 to enter Administrative Options
  2. Enter the administrator password 2275 is the default password for administrator access
  3. Dial 8 - System Administration
  4. Dial 4 - Set Time / Date, system then plays current system date and time
  5. Enter the two-digit month, 01 through 12Press * to go back or # to cancel
    Type in the two-digit month. (01=January, 02=February, 03=March, etc.)
    If you press # the system will re-ask for the month
    If you press * the system will send you to the Setup Lines menu
  6. Please enter the two-digit day, 01 through 31.  Press * to go back or # to cancel
    Type in the two-digit day
    If you press # the system will re-ask for the month
    If you press * the system will send you to the Setup Lines menu.
  7. Please enter the four-digit year.   Press * to go back or # to cancel
    Enter the four digit year
    If you press # the system will re-ask for the day
    If you press * the system will send you to the Setup Lines menu.
  8. Please enter the two-digit hour, 00 through 23.   Press # to go back or * to cancel
    Enter the time in a 24 hour clock format (13=1:00pm)
    If you press # the system will re-ask for the year
    If you press * the system will send you to the Setup Lines menu.
  9. Please enter the two-digit minute, 00 through 59.   Press * to go back or # to cancel". 13) Enter the minute of the hour. If you press # the system will re-ask for the hour. If you press * the system will send you to the Setup Lines menu.
  10. Press # to confirm or * to cancel.
    The system will now tell you the new date and time set and ask you to confirm what you have entered. If you press # the system's date and time will be saved and the system will reset itself.  If you press * then the system will send you to the Setup Lines menu.